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Tag: barriers

Supporting self-management: A guide to enabling behaviour change for health and wellbeing using person- and community-centred approaches

What the system can do: The role of national bodies in realising the value of people and communities in health and care

This report focuses on how national bodies can best remove barriers to progressing person- and community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing. It reviews the range of mechanisms (often called system levers) national bodies use to influence health and care services to achieve policy objectives, and the impact these have on person- and community- centred approaches for health and wellbeing. It suggests what national bodies might best do to help implement and spread these approaches.

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Supporting self-management: A guide to enabling behaviour change for health and wellbeing using person- and community-centred approaches

New approaches to value in health and care

When people are actively involved in their own health and wellbeing, or support others to stay well, it creates value for them and the health and care system in a number of ways. The majority of this value, however, goes unrecognised by formal systems. The Realising the Value programme therefore set out to explore what ‘value’ means for people and communities, and how this can be understood most appropriately by the NHS.

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